DownloadHelper/ConvertHelper License Invoice
4, rue de Villeneuve
34610 Saint Gervais s/ Mare
[email protected]
SARL au capital de 1000 €
EU Intracom VAT FR47498766963
polvere gerardo

Invoice Data
Date Fri Jan 06 2023
Billing method stripe_sca
Transaction ID ch_3MNHv0AWbRLTBpbW3UuxZVT9
Invoice ID 00336179
License ID 56b68b67144d4e879e1a8efa6787d0a2
Purchased Items
DownloadHelper/ConvertHelper License 15.16 €
VAT (22%) 3.34 €
Total 18.50 €

You have been granted a license to use the video conversion feature of the DownloadHelper extension without any technical restriction such as watermark included in the converted videos or blocked formats.

If you purchased this license as a company or organization, people from your company or organisation can use the license. If you are an individual, the license ID can be used by any person living in your house.

This license is materialized by the following license ID: 56b68b67144d4e879e1a8efa6787d0a2 which is unique to you.

The license ID will have to be entered manually or will be checked automatically every time you install it on a computer, reinstall your computer or browser, or change your browser user profile. After a number of installations, the license will be blocked and a mail sent to [email protected] with a Web link to be visited to unlock the license.

Abuse will result on the license being permanently blocked.

Support mail in english can be obtained from [email protected] for 1 year.