Congratulations, you just upgraded to Video DownloadHelper 7.4.0 for Firefox

Manage your collections of downloaded videos with thumbnails and metadata
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Changes from 7.3.9

Added aggregator tool

In some situations, on sites streaming separately video and audio, Video DownloadHelper is not able to recognize both streams as being parts of the same media and does not offer automatic aggregation. As a result, the user may end up with an audio or video-only file, depending on the chosen variant. When an audio-only and a video-only file have been downloaded, it is now possible to use the local aggregation tool to merge those two files to a single audio-video media file.


Pass the mouse over this icon to reveal the toolbar

Click the icon to initiate the aggregation operation


Right-click in the page to open the context menu and pick the Aggregate local audio and video files item

Then you will be prompted for the input file containing the video stream, the input file containing the audio stream, then the output file that will contain both the video and audio streams. Note that the input video file may contain an audio stream and the input audio file may contain a video stream. Those streams would just be ignored.

Added Greek locale

Thanks to breadfan

Added Hungarian locale

Thanks to zsombor

Fixed possible crash when downloading a HLS videos

This issue happened with some HLS-streamed videos containing garbage data. An infinite loop caused the extension to crash.

Fixed potential memory leak on HLS live video pages

The counterpart is that, by default, the video starts being recorded when the user requests the download. Previous behaviour, i.e. video is recorded from the moment it loads in the page, can be reinstalled by setting parameter HLS live history to false.